The Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce Southwest Chapter is the premier forum for Norwegian and American member companies engaged in international trade and market expansion in the South Western United States. The Chamber creates networking opportunities and value-added business programs that facilitate access to business leaders, government representatives and entities, and other policy-level decision makers.
The Southwestern United States has been a focus for a growing number of Norwegian firms that have discovered sizable industrial and consumer markets for Norwegian technology and services. At the same time, U.S.-based companies are becoming increasingly involved in Norwegian markets, with emphasis on offshore and oil-related industries.
The Houston Chapter was formed in 1973 to aid in developing mutually beneficial cooperation between its Norwegian and American members. Its territory covers greater Houston area. The membership comprises mainly Norwegian and American companies, with the majority representing such interest as shipping and transportation, offshore engineering, oil and gas exploration and production, electronics and electrical equipment, information technology, banking, financial consulting, accounting and law.
The office of the Houston Chapter of NACC is located at the Royal Norwegian Consulate General and the Norwegian Trade Council in Houston. The Chamber also works closely with the Greater Houston Partnership and, thus, is well placed to assist members in affairs related to Norwegian-American businesses, as well as helping new members make initial contacts in the community.
The purpose of The Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce is to:
promote trade, goodwill and to foster business, financial and professional interests between Norway and the US
advance the common purpose of our members
facilitate networking opportunities among our members and the wider business community